It's always hard when taking your first step, especially traveling into uncharted waters....good news it'll eventually get's easier as you go!
Doing something new can sometimes be scary. It's the fear of not knowing what is around the corner or what's going to happen. This fear will not only keep you in a perpetual state of being stuck, feeling paralyzed, it can also control your present without you even knowing it.
When we try something for the first time it can be daunting, stressful, painful and the more you think about it, ruminate over it...well, the worst you'll feel and so the rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions begins. More often than not, we focus on the "scary" things, the negative thoughts and the world wind of the "what ifs", "what if it goes wrong", "what if I get hurt", "what if I let myself down again or others" and so on and so on, while creating catastrophic stories in our head. Many times we feel safer keeping things the same...even when it's unhealthy. We tend to stay stagnant because it's familiar and comfortable because we know what to expect, unfortunately even at the expense of own mental, emotional and physical well being. Keeping things the same just makes us feel safer and in control, but does it really?
You don't need to avoid fear, you can be fearful and do courageous things at the same time. It's like doing a work presentation for the first time, it's scary but you push through it. Courage builds confidence, courage builds self pride, courage builds self-efficacy! You can learn to be comfortable with uncertainty and even doubt, but what I want for you to learn is not to feel paralyzed by it.
Taking the first step can at times feel clumsy, unbalanced, ungraceful, and uncomfortable and that's ok...be kind to yourself and patient...it's like watching a little girl walk in her mom's heels for the first time. Give yourself some grace, keep your head high and put one step in front of the other and don't stop until find the peace you've always been searching for. So take a deep breath, start taking baby steps and know, together we can chart your path.
Step into the life you've always wanted! Remember you don't have to be alone on your journey, you are the captain of your own ship...I'll just hold your compass.